Mailing List Members in Website Hosting
Managing the members of any Internet mailing list set up under a website hosting account with our company will be amazingly easy. We rely on a feature-rich piece of software called Majordomo – one of the most widely used apps for creating and managing mailing lists available on the marketplace. It will permit you to include, to delete or to view all the subscribers by simply sending an email to Freshly imported members have to confirm their membership, so you cannot just enter an email address and begin sending out regular messages to it using a mailing list without the categorical consent of the recipient. If you encounter any problems, we’ve got a comprehensive instructional article in the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel that comes with each and every shared account, as well as a 24-7 customer care staff, which will assist you with any questions regarding the mailing list options.
Mailing List Members in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Every semi-dedicated server that we are offering will enable you to create Internet mailing lists with as many members as you want. The powerful Majordomo mailing list client that we provide will give you complete control over your subscribers. You will be able to include and to delete mailing list subscribers or to view a list of all present mailing list members. The new ones will get a verification request and they will have to agree to join a given mailing list and to receive email messages in the future. You can manage the mailing lists that you have created and the mailing list members from any place or device without needing to sign into your Hepsia Control Panel – you just need to send an email message to In case you’re unaware of how to carry out a certain task, you can always check the help articles about Majordomo that will be available in your Control Panel.