Web Accelerator Tools
Turbocharge your sites with no back–end code modifications

We have incorporated a group of Web Accelerator Tools to your Web Hosting Control Panel to help you to simply enhance the overall operation of your websites. You won’t have to modify anything at all in the back–end code or generate specific configurations that need technical comprehension from you. Inside the Web Hosting Control Panel, just opt for the tool you would like to apply – Memcached, Varnish and Node.js and generate an instance for it. It is all carried out with a click. By speeding up your sites, you’ll not just prevent your customers from needing to wait around but will also make your web site get a better position in search engine results.
You can find the Web Accelerator Tools in the Advanced Tools part of your Web Hosting Control Panel.
RAM–memorizing as a substitute for data–base queries
In case you have a database–loaded site or app, and if data base calls usually reduce the efficiency, this can be really discouraging to the site visitors or the web application consumers. Finding a resolution usually can demand a great deal of time. Nevertheless, in the Site Hostmaster Web Hosting Control Panel, you can find a remedy for you.
Memcached is an easy, yet robust distributed memory object caching platform, that collects data and objects in the RAM. By doing this, the database–saved information on your web site will not need to be loaded every time a website visitor opens the exact page.
RAM–caching rather than HTTP calls
You’ll find various strategies to accelerate a site, but the majority of them require a designer to rewrite the backend code. Luckily, there are more convenient–to–use tools for speeding up a web site, such as the Varnish website accelerator application incorporated into the Web Hosting Control Panel.
Varnish is a caching HTTP reverse proxy, which saves HTTP requests within the RAM and sends them to the site visitor in contrast to expecting the hosting server to return them. Testing prove that utilizing Varnish on a website or an application normally quickens website loading speeds with a 300 – 1000x factor. Varnish may also be tweaked how to deal with inbound requests – whether they need to be delivered by Varnish, by the hosting server, and so on.
A simple way to make adaptable apps
If you need to come up with a web application, you need to have the tools you may need accessible at once, without needing to seek, assemble and install them. Our Web Hosting Control Panel can save you equally well time and cash, by giving you the tools you will need right at your fingertips.
The Node.js software allows for programmers, regardless of whether they’re specialists or not, to generate adaptable network applications and sites. It is based upon the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also the libUV. Node.js works by using an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that makes it light–weight as well as effective, perfect for data–loaded real–time apps that run through distributed devices.